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"Silence Your Mind Awaken Your Heart"

- Simon Granville

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Each of these books will provide
an entrance into the Silence
Beyond your Mind

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Are You In The World or Is the World In You?

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Self Realization Masters Course

in Meditation

What happens when the mind stops? The mind forms thoughts upon one’s inner silence. Mind sees then believes yet the silence within is omnipresent. If one were to silence their mind they would awaken their heart. As Psalm 46.10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.”

This is the purpose of Self Realization Lessons

the vision of self realization lessons

The Vision of Self Realization Lessons is to alter the destiny of humankind. Only when one persons suffering is released can a great peaceful revolution occur. SR Lessons are created for the working person living in the world facing all the issues required to support family life and be a spiritual supporting part of that unit. From child to adult there are common problems with one main solution as outlined by Self Realized Masters.

Simon has followed this path for a lifetime and is devoted to your spiritual evolution. Even if you never decide to participate in SRLessons the eternal and divine blessings of peace are surrounding you unceasingly. If you are interested in spiritual growth grounded in the science of Yoga, and want to walk the path to freedom this teaching is NOT for you!

You must be the path to walk the path! There are no beliefs, quid pro quo's or gimmicks in this life. Everything you physically see is energy and atoms. Mind transforms light into mental pictures. Mind believes these to be true and you become convinced the ego mind is telling the truth. NO! Atoms are made of light, the foundation of matter, created by one infinite thought! Most people are caught up in outward thoughts thinking they have the answer but they are suffering, drowning in their beliefs trying to make others see it their way to validate their insanity! You were born and will die; that is the truth of this physical life! Why not stop for a moment and investigate the oneness that beats your heart, that takes each breath, that presents you with the constant reminder of perfection you selfishly cast aside on a daily basis as imperfection?

Essential Teachings of yoga Masters

There are three primary meditation practices that will reveal the truth within. These ageless yoga teachings are exemplified by Self Realized Yoga Masters.

The yoga practices used and taught by these Realized Masters is available to everyone willing to take up the practice of meditation.

Self Realization Lessons explains the ancient Yoga meditation practices of awakening infinite consciousness. These highly effective teachings are being made available to those who have had enough of their own suffering.

Ramakrishna, Bhakti Yoga

Through devotion to God, Ramakrishna realized Infinite Consciousness. He practiced devotion in every religion proving that unwavering service to God is essential for Self Realization. His close disciple Swami Vivekananda was the first yogi to visit the West in 1899. His message of devotion was given to the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.

lahiri Mahasay, Kriya yoga

The father of Kriya Yoga. Lahiri Mahasay initiated aspiring lovers of God into this scientific form of meditation once taught by Sri Krishna thousands of years ago. This lost ancient teaching was rediscovered by his deathless Guru Babaji. Swami Paramahansa Yogananda was sent to the west in 1920 to disseminate Kriya Yoga. He established Self Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles.

Ramana Maharshi, Jnana Yoga

Bhagavan Ramana used the technique of wisdom by self-inquire to connect with infinite consciousness. He is the embodiment of Shiva the destroyer of mental illusion. By asking the question "Who am I" the mind will be brought to the Infinite . The"I" as expressed in ancient sanskrit writings will be found as true presence. Every human being asks this question in their mind at one time or another, Sri Bhagavan shows the way.

Being Mindless means you are present


The Vision of Self Realization Lessons
The Vision of Self Realization Lessons
The Vision of Self Realization Lessons

meditation techniques of yoga masters


Learn How To Stop The Mind:

Realize Your True Omnipresent Nature Which Leads Your Life In Purpose, Understanding and Wisdom.

meditation training SEsson topics

Discover How to Stop Your Mind and Awaken Your Heart
How to recognize truth within and connect with it to make choices in life that resonate in harmony with your actions.

In this session we will explore:

Gallery of Sayings by Simon

Simon has practiced yoga since 1969

"Meditation brings peace within that reflects in the outer world"

Call Today: (209) 728-8008

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